- List of Swiss Accounts Turns Up the Heat in Greece (The New York Times)
- Arrest Warrant Issued for Greek Journalist (The Wall Street Journal)
- Greek editor's arrest sought over list with Swiss accounts (Reuters)
- The Controversial 'Lagarde List' Has Leaked, And It's Bad News For The Greek Prime Minister (Business insider)
- Grecia, pubblica lista dei presunti evasori il giornalista Vaxevanis ora rischia il carcere (La Repubblica)
- Exclusif : En Grèce, il ne faut pas dire la vérité : journaliste recherché par la police (l' Humanite)
- Ποιά κανάλια δεν “τρώνε” hot doc; (tvxs)
- Greece Arrests the Messenger (NY Times)
- Kostas Vaxevanis e Bradley Manning sono prigionieri politici (Giornalismo partecipativo)
- Greece: Free speech faces abyss (Xindex)
- Greek journalists being 'muzzled by government ( the Telegraph)
- Greece ministers blamed over Swiss bank account list (BBC news)
- Greek journalist Costas Vaxevanis on trial over bank list (BBC news)
- The new dark age: Across Europe, free speech and democracy face their biggest threat since the Thirties
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Κυριακή 28 Οκτωβρίου 2012
Βαξεβάνης: Αναζητούν εμένα αντί για την αλήθεια (video)
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